
Little bit about me...

So, anyone who has grown up Italian, knows that it's all about family and FOOD! I've had a love for food and cooking ever since I was a child. I have so many memories, sitting in my grandmother's kitchen, watching and learning as see proceeded to prepare the most amazing dinner.....EVERY TIME! I loved going over and "helping", which is where I learned most of my cooking skills. I have tried to preserve the Italian tradition by trying to grow a garden every year and make tons of homeade goodies! I am constantly looking for new ways to improve, and perfect some of the oldies too! Hope you enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. I looked forward to each days new receipe. They all look sooo yummy...I'll have to try to make the Carrot Cake Cheescake for Fathers' Day.Keep them coming.

    Love, MOM:)
